Tuesday, November 23, 2010


With heating costs rising, people are eager to heat their homes without breaking the bank. But despite newer technologies that detect energy loss, many people waste energy because they lack fundamental knowledge of low tech fixes.
Check Insulation. Having a newer home does not guarantee that your insulation is adequate. Make sure your insulation depth is enough for today's standards. Filling in cracks and gaps, especially in the attic, will keep your home warmer in winter.

Remember Basements. We often ignore the basement. It can be a big source of energy loss. Use the spray foam around pipes that go outside. We seal our door that goes outside. It's really not necessary to use it during the winter. A piece of rigid foam cut to fit snugly can help quite well with heat loss.

Attics. Make sure the whole house fan is covered. Heat rises and much can be lost here. If you have pull down stairs, purchase a kit to cover the stairs or scuttle opening.
Seal duct joints and pipes If you have a forced air heating system you need to make sure that the ducts that carry the heat are sealed at the joints. Much heat can be lost this way. You can use foam here. Make sure if you are working around hot pipes or a metal flue to use a non-combustible high temperature product.

Plug the Fireplace, Close the Flue. When the fireplace is not in use make sure the flue damper is tightly closed. Using fireplace doors and chimney plugs can further prevent heat loss.

Remove or Cover Air Conditioners. Yes I know it's a royal pain, but you really must remove your window air conditioners every fall. You can't imagine how much heat is lost here; it also doesn't do the unit much good even if you cover it. If your unit fits in a wall opening, put an insulated panel over it.

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